Our Mission
The Santa Monica Airport Association is dedicated to preserving SMO’s vital role in our community by protecting its substantial operating revenue, its current and future value as a local and regional transportation hub, and its essential role during emergencies and disasters.
Our Goal
To build pro-airport sentiment with SM businesses and residents and change voter’s perspective on the airport as a valuable public asset.
Our Work
The SMAA works to emphasize the increasingly important value of the airport as a critical hub in the development of mass transportation solutions for the short and long term by educating residents on the following:
City of Santa Monica: The Santa Monica City Council and their appointed Airport Commission continue efforts to restrict access, eliminate revenue and ultimately close SMO.
Eco-Aviation: The future is NOW. SMAA works with the Eco-Aviation Foundation to monitor crucial developments in the production of electric aircraft in order to develop community outreach programs designed to keep SMO neighbors in the know. https://www.eco-aviation.org
Disaster Response: fight to preserve and expand SMO’s ability to provide essential protection and support for aircraft and first-responders for Santa Monica and Los Angeles County residents during times of emergency or disaster.
Public Service: Increase awareness of the crucial life-saving operations and life-enhancing operations taking place at SMO: Organ donation transportation, emergency or charitable patient flights, animal rescues and other activities of Angel Flight West, Pilots’n’Paws and many other charitable aviation pilots and organizations.
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